Each teacher or coach has students who have been diagnosed with asthma in their classrooms or the gym, but many are unaware that asthma is a severe disease, potentially fatal. It is understandable that students with asthma are often reluctant to engage in physical activity because they think they find it difficult to breathe. On other occasions they resist because they feel ashamed of their limitations when engaged in physical exercise to their peers and classmates. So often adopt hobbies and sedentary lifestyles. Given that many adolescents become overweight, a dangerous condition for people with asthma of all ages. Our program
Asthma Sport try to bring on asthma knowledge and resources to both faculty and students with a view to providing a safe school environment for students with asthma. Remember the following guidelines you should know the physical education teachers or coaches should have a student with asthma.
should know:
- should encourage children with asthma to exercise and participate in sports, recognizing and respecting their limitations.
- Students with asthma are capable of playing most sports, if asthma is well controlled. There are great athletes who are asthmatics and Miguel Indurain (cyclist), Mark Spitz (swimmer), Jordi Llopart (athlete), and many more.
- Exercise can cause symptoms in some children with asthma. The exercise in exposure to cold, dry air and activities that require long runs crisis triggered more than other sports.
- These exercise-related symptoms, which may refer varying intensity are oppressive or repetitive cough, "wheezing", pain or tightness in the chest and breathlessness.
- The "warm", which are really suitable for anyone and type of exercise will help the student avoid asthma symptoms during exercise.
- There are medicines "preventive" that enable most students to exercise-induced asthma can participate in any sport. Ask your student if you have as your pediatrician and preventive medicine in this case, if you are taking.
- If during the year are repetitive cough, feeling breathlessness, chest tightness,
a. Must stop the exercise. B.
Take reliever medication prescribed by your doctor. (It should be in school salbutamol, if not already brought)
c. You must notify the student's family, to report to your pediatrician, who will assess the adjustment of medication.
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