"Reality and Proposals for
University Argentina "
By Aldo Guadagni Alieto
(The author is a member of the National Academy of Education)
(The author is a member of the National Academy of Education)
The XXI century is the century of university education in this new globalized world. The University plays a central role in determining the possibilities of each nation, particularly the emerging countries, to build a prosperous society not only economically but also socially inclusive and equitable. None of the countries that have so far demonstrated an ability to grow rapidly to over several decades, thus improving the standard of living of its population and lowering substantial poverty and destitution, has been able to do or marginalizing the University or not paying attention to the quality of education it imparts. All successful nations have been primarily concerned with ensuring a high level of quality of university education, and also endeavor to become increasingly that new students from socially neglected.
successful countries also have been concerned about building a college tuition that pointed toward the future and was not anchored in the past, have emphasized that the scientific disciplines and new technology directions in response to production requirements and employment in the challenging global world this century. All nations now leading the growth and prosperity are aimed at increasing the college's growing contingent of students, but and this is important to recognize the Argentines, none of these nations ever thought of lowering the level of academic demands On the contrary aimed at increasing college tuition from a process of sustained improvement in the quality of education at the secondary level, thus establishing strict criteria for entry to university. More and more college students have, which is a very positive, but it is crucial to ensure that the same income level higher education well prepared, and that quantity without quality is not auspicious.
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