Friday, January 28, 2011

Name For Kates Playground

Espelunciecha + Arroyetas

Track route

Finally my solo adventures with this ski trip, I decided to combine two peaks somewhat easier, the Espelunciecha and Arroyetas. Both are presiding over the plateau of ibones of Anayet, so the combination is not very complicated. To reach the parking Espelunciecha Anayet go out and cross the creek by the bridge, to trace the track (pips) to its beginning (which operates the Ratac). The maximum slope you find at the beginning and end of the runway, so it is a convenient approach. Once arrived at the beginning of the track, there are two options for climbing to the peak: the first is through the upper east, which has slopes between 30 º and 45 º and a more simple is skirting around the peak and come in from the southwest face, allowing skiing to the top. Start the shovel snow this hard and put the knife but the blade is getting vertical and near the end I have to change the crampons. No more problems, get in the shoulder and from there, I'll take the edge right up to the top. From the top you can ski down to the plateau of the mountain lakes, but I'm part of the ridge with crampons and I move a little further down.

The Anayet from the top of Espelunciecha

plateu Once in the arroyetas is the peak is just opposite. It continues westward as easy as looking around some hills, up to upstream blade. The peak is accessed through the last hill of the ridge, easily recognizable from below. Without too much trouble, I go approach to the shoulder with the intention of crowning the peak with the skis, but the snow is much transformed in the west side and I have to put on my crampons, because it's basically ice. No problem I go to the top and go around the edge that connects it to the culivillas, without reaching it. Once back to the hill, like something, I get the skis to the hill and under the plateau, where I make the traverse to the Espelunciecha hillside to get back on track (pips). However, the snow is very processed and is even harder than Saturday. Safely reached the track and from there to the parking lot Anayet again.

Arroyetas summit of

An easy route (about 7 hours) but that means paying some attention at the top of arroyetas by snow conditions.

Full View of the edge to the apex of Anayet


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