Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Level 19 électric Box

As if nothing had happened and a full year's spring again so that our activities abroad thanks to the good climate, have become more frequent and could add desirable. However, these leisure activities, as walking, tennis, soccer, biking, hiking that help us feel better, may be threatened in people with allergies and respiratory problems like asthma and rhinitis.

is appropriate that we prepare to enjoy this spring to begin considering the pollination of plants and if we are allergic to them or not.

most appropriate measures are:
  • Remember what we have developed an allergy plants
  • Check if the plant that we are releasing their pollen allergies and concentration are in the week. For that you should be aware of the information published in the press or the English Red Aerobiology
  • The days of pollination should avoid large open spaces, traveling with car windows closed and air conditioning on and stay home with the windows closed.
  • warned at school your teacher that your asthma is aggravated by pollen is in the air. Sure will help and physical education activities will be in the pavilion
  • go to your doctor or pediatrician for you to enter a treatment that will protect and value based on your circumstances whether you should be seen by another specialist.
  • take preventive medication you prescribed and if symptoms appear, take the relief.

hope that in the final stretch of the course that is starting now, enjoy this spring and get good grades.


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